During a recent presentation at the Californian Transportation Authority’s (CTA) 50th Anniversary Event, The City of Pasadena’s (CA) Transit Department spoke of how both city staff and the general public are benefiting following the deployment of a Connexionz supplied Intelligent Transportation System.
Delegates who attended the CTA event recently held in Pasadena were told of a range of benefits to the city’s transit department, bus operators and the public following the delivery of a range of ITS products and services as part of the city’s TVAIS program. This included the facts that on time performance has increased from 82% to in excess of 90% to date and real time service information was now available to the general public across a range of media platforms. |
Connexionz Solar BusFinder
Connexionz was contracted to deliver a range of ITS products and services as part of the city’s Transit Vehicle Arrival Information Service (TVAIS) – including a fleet tracking and dispatch capability, service management, bus operator and dispatch communications, duress alarms, service analysis, on-board video surveillance system and passenger counting technology.
The public are to further benefit from Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) services which includes the deployment of 80 solar powered real time service information BusFinderTM displays throughout the city (image above, right), a public website, smartphone applications and real time service information on the Los Angeles County’s 511 system